10 Online Business Ideas To Start With 10,000 Naira In Nigeria.

With internet penetration on the rise in Nigeria, starting an online business with a small capital of 10,000 Naira is more possible today than ever. The low startup cost, ease of operations, and unlimited reach make online businesses ideal for young entrepreneurs and small business owners in Nigeria. If you have 10,000 Naira and the […]

5 Fast Ways To Boost Sales For Your Online Business In Nigeria.

Are you an entrepreneur in Nigeria struggling to boost sales for your online business in Nigeria? Look no further! In today’s digital age, having an effective digital marketing strategy is crucial for success, no matter the size of your online business. This blog post will mention five guaranteed and fast ways to skyrocket your online […]

How To Find and Hire Good Carpenters in Nigeria

How to Find and Hire Good Carpenters in Nigeria

Whether you are building, renovating or moving houses, carpenters are go-to handymen in Nigeria you can hardly do without. From experience, hiring a good carpenter is as critical as what they do. To hire a good carpenter anywhere in Nigeria today, you must look out for experience, strongest areas of expertise and overall work ethic. […]

Black Friday 2023 – Promo Ideas to Double Your Sales in Nigeria

Black Friday is an iconic period of the year whereby brands and businesses triple sales, revenue and consumer engagement. That is why we are sharing these Black Friday promo ideas and examples to help you crush your 2023 targets by leveraging customers’ readiness to spend more than ever. We will delve into various Black Friday […]

Struggles of a Female Entrepreneur

Today let’s discuss a subject many of us can totally relate to – being a female entrepreneur in Nigeria. We’ll begin with a short story about Stella, a Nigerian blogger, writer, and entrepreneur born and raised in Lagos, Nigeria. She had fallen in love with writing at the tender age of 12 and had dreams […]

Fashion Designers in Nigeria: Resources to Help You Get Started

Dreaming of becoming a fashion designer in Nigeria, we have curated important resources, courses and tools to help you get started already. The fashion industry in Nigeria has experienced significant growth over the years, creating a high demand for qualified fashion designers. As the industry continues to expand, the need for comprehensive fashion design tutorials […]

Makeup in Nigeria: Tutorials And Tips

We know you are always looking out for the latest makeup tutorials in Nigeria. Looking good is a big deal and yes, we know you don’t mind DIY and professional tips to step your glam all day. This article will provide you with a wealth of information with resources to kickstart your makeup career. If […]

Yahoo Boy No Laptop: How To Protect Yourself From Internet Scammers

A recent report by Palo Alto Networks revealed that Nigeria loses up to N127 billion every year to cyber crimes. If a US-based intelligence company that has researched Yahoo Yahoo for 5 years says you should fear Yahoo boys. Don’t think that Yahoo boys are the least of your problems because they mostly target Oyibo […]

Best Hair Vendors in Lagos for Quality Hair & Quick Delivery

There are thousands of hair vendors in Lagos today, both online and in physical markets selling different grades of human hair. Your budget, taste and purpose determine which ones you patronize. If you are looking out for the best hair vendors who have won the hearts of Lagos women with their exceptional customer service, swift […]

Guinness Book of Records and Nigerians: A Match Made in Heaven?

Earlier this year, actually just a couple of months ago, Guinness World Records began appealing to Nigerians to take it easy on them so we don’t “hurt” them with uncountable record smashing events flying here and there. I was like these people don’t know Naija yet – we no dey ever carry last! Really though, […]

Dry Cleaners Near Me: Top 18 Dry Cleaning Companies in Lagos

Some years ago, I googled Dry Cleaners Near Me when I moved houses not knowing what to expect. Interestingly, I found a local directory that listed a very reliable dry-cleaning company that was about a 30-minute drive from my new house. While there are some dry cleaners from hell that can pamper you with migraine […]

Hiring The Best Artisans in Lagos: 5 Top Tips from Experienced Professionals

Hiring artisans in Lagos and frustrations sometimes go hand-in-hand, if you are not equipped with the right information on how to hire them. Not all artisans come from the devil, though many of them lack the expected level of professionalism and respect for customers’ time. While some artisans may be very nice and friendly as […]

How to Become a Graphic Designer in Nigeria

Want to become a graphic designer in Nigeria? Today is your lucky day as we have helped you put together learning resources such as free courses, tools and design apps to help you get started as a graphic designer.  It is not difficult to tell that the growing importance of visual communication, branding, digital experiences, […]

Freelance Jobs in Nigeria: How to Get High-paying Gigs as a Freelancer

Getting freelance jobs in Nigeria can be appealing if you’re interested in working flexible hours, while you gain experience in a specific field as well as multiply your income. There are a wide variety of pay ranges for freelance jobs you can do remotely from Nigeria. Learning which steps to take to find the highest-paying […]

Vendor Credit in Nigeria: How Vendors Can Get Low-interest Loans

Looking for Vendor Credit in Nigeria? We’ve got you covered. Here is all you need to know to access quick, low-interest loans to grow your small business or side hustle. Vendor Credits are credits received from vendors as an equivalent of the amount they owe you. These credits can be used to track the amount […]

Fake Transfers in Nigeria: How Vendors Can Detect It

Have you heard of the rising cases of fake transfers in Nigeria? Many small businesses have fallen for these unfortunate cloning of Nigerian bank transaction alerts after which they parted ways with their goods and services worth millions of Naira. Our community is driven by vendors who receive remuneration for their services via various online […]

10 Small Business Grants in Nigeria and How to Access Them in 2023

Small business grants in Nigeria are essentially free monies from the Federal government, state governments, NGOs, development programs or private organizations dedicated to supporting launch, growth or diversification of the beneficiary businesses. Unlike small business loans or Venture Capital funds, grants don’t have to be repaid. With the economy suffering from intense pressure since the beginning […]

Top 15 Books for Successful CEOs in Nigeria 2023

What are the top books successful CEOs in Nigeria are reading in 2023? One thing that is common to business leaders all over the world is reading. We know you are curious to know the best books that can help Nigerian CEOs expand their imagination, depth and value to others. As a CEO, you are […]

Fuel Subsidy: Which Way Nigeria?

How are you dear reader? I’m sure the subsidy removal gist has reached your side. I have tried so hard not to drop my 2cent on it but it seems my trial is no longer trying but here is my take. Let me share my thoughts on the pros and cons of the recent removal of […]

Errand Services: One Business That Requires No Start-up Capital

It certainly was going to be a very busy day for this newlywed. The husband had just run off to work for his weekend shift, the wife stayed up sorting gifts from the wedding party. Then it hit her that the house had only one ladle spoon. Heavily pregnant and not agile enough to dash […]

5 hacks to scale your online business fast!

The year 2021 was tough, business-wise, across the entire country. The ruthless devaluation, ban and restriction of local debit cards for foreign trade has only exacerbated an underlying ill — the staunch difficulty of doing business in Nigeria. As is typical of mankind to seek solutions out of problems in order to self-actualise and progress, […]

Your guide to popular Industrial Clusters in Lagos

Maybe you have noticed, maybe you have not, but people don’t just set up businesses anywhere in Lagos — at least not the ones who know what they are doing. People say that the most important thing in business is customers; you know what the next is?… location of course! If I was asking someone […]

The Tutor: A business with no need for startup capital

The year was 2010. I was in my final year in the university and in desperate need of a ‘hustle’ to keep my palms wet and give me some financial muscle. I mean, I was just dumped by my ex — a classmate, for being too broke and ‘incapable’. Two years earlier, I got a […]

A 10-year walkthrough on ecommerce in Nigeria

It was certain that businesses had to evolve — however small a measure — to accommodate the nuances of the times. Instant responses to instant messages sent in by prospective customers through mobile message applications like BlackBerry Messenger, WhatsApp & Viber. Emails, also breezing past, made all too easy through push applications on smartphones, required […]

‘I’ll get back to you’: 5 things a Nigerian customer really means by this

Sir! Sir! We have this lovely package for you and your family, just fill this form here. Have a look at our pamphlets too, they would really enjoy the treat too… Familiar? Sir finally budges and gives you good audience. You flip your hair and deliver your compelling product pitch, locking eyes with him and […]

3 lessons from the Efritin Bust

Sequel to our story of a young couple who transacted successfully on the now defunct classifieds website Efritin, we share with you a few insights on why the promising marketplace never really took off. 1. The 180 million-people-paradox From the books, Nigeria, home to such an enormous population seems a natural hotbed for trade and investment […]

Efritin.com: A real story

For the Badejos, 2015 had been a very notable year. As newlyweds who had just moved into a decent flat in central Lagos, life was beginning to take form. They were expecting a baby by December of that year and provisions for this were swiftly underway. The only chink however was that their daily commute […]