Efritin.com: A real story

For the Badejos, 2015 had been a very notable year. As newlyweds who had just moved into a decent flat in central Lagos, life was beginning to take form. They were expecting a baby by December of that year and provisions for this were swiftly underway.

The only chink however was that their daily commute to work and back still involved wrestling for seat spaces in Obalende-bound buses and stomaching numerous delays in transit.

One evening, after a long day’s commute, Mrs Badejo slipped out her digital tablet and effused to her husband on a listed post she found on http://Efritin.com — a classifieds website. A Honda sedan vehicle was put up for sale; and the price seemed just about right.

Her husband, being cynical and detached, asked for more pictures of the vehicle and scribbled down the contact person.

Few days later, calls were made, inspections were executed and the couple bought the vehicle — for a whopping N150,000 less than the listed price.

The car is still very much in use today, six years later; the listing site however, isn’t. It left Nigeria 4 years ago (2017). What happened? We would share a few insights. (Below is a picture of the car).

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