Your guide to popular Industrial Clusters in Lagos

Maybe you have noticed, maybe you have not, but people don’t just set up businesses anywhere in Lagos — at least not the ones who know what they are doing. People say that the most important thing in business is customers; you know what the next is?… location of course!

If I was asking someone or some people where to get the best quality of a particular commodity like clothing, chances are that they would direct me to a particular market or area, not a single shop or stall. These areas or markets are called Industrial Clusters — a large settlement of similar or interconnected businesses situated within a region or particular location.

Computer Village? Trade Fair? Mechanic Village? Ladipo Market? Mandilas Market? Alaba?

Is it beginning to make sense now?

Well, as your street-wise, in-the-know guide on Lagos life, let’s point you to some popular clusters and their commodities.

  1. Computer Village:

Location: Ikeja Bridge Bus & Motor Park, Kodesoh Street, Ikeja
Commodity: Communication gadgets and accessories, repair of same. Gadgets include computers, phones, tablets. projectors, interactive display boards, printers.

2. Alaba International Market

Location: Volkswagen Bus Stop, Ojo Expressway, Lagos

Commodity: Household electronics like Television sets, Sound systems, Decoders, Video players, Sound equipment, Video equipment.

3. Balogun Market

Location: Balogun Street, Off Broad Street, Lagos Island, Lagos.

Commodity: Textile/Fabrics

4. Ladipo Market

Location: Ladipo Street, Mushin to Apapa/Oshodi Expressway, Isolo

Commodity: Motor vehicle parts and repair.

5. Lagos Trade Fair Market

Location: Trade Fair Complex, Off Ojo Expressway

Commodity: Cosmetics

6. Berger Car Market

Location: Mile 2, Apapa/Oshodi Expressway

Commodity: Foreign used automobiles

7. Somolu Business District

Location: The entire environs of Somolu Local Government

Commodity: Commercial printing services, printing stationer

8. Mushin Printing Market

Location: Ladipo Street, Mushin

Commodity: Commercial printing and packaging services, wedding stationery, printing stationery.

9. Mechanic Village

Location: Off Osolo Way, Isolo

Commodity: Automotive repair works

10. Amu Furniture Market

Location: Off Agege Motor Road, Mushin

Commodity: Furniture accessories like knobs, knots, handles, locks.

11. Chemical Village

Location: Alhaji Kazeem Street, Off Ikorodu Expressway, Ojota

Commodity: Industrial chemicals, reagents and packaging

Of course we may not be able to cover every cluster there is in Lagos under a single post, but, at this point, you at least know where to get what.

See you in the market!

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