Safety First.

Safety First.

Yoodalo Safety Tips

  • Always thoroughly check member profiles to your satisfaction before you engage or contact them.
  • Vendor email accounts are verified but ensure you vet and conduct extra checks before engaging with members.
  • Endeavour to verify member social media profiles or websites and physical addresses, where available.
  • Avoid meeting anyone in remote or unfamiliar places and always arrange to meet in a safe public place before proceeding to engage them.
  • As a vendor, ensure to share your intended task location with a loved one and have them check in at intervals.
  • Refrain from making any payments until your task has been completed. If necessary to make payments prior to task, consider paying according to agreed milestones.
  • Never give out your financial or personal information, such as your ID, BVN, NIN or other related information.
  • Always trust your instincts if you sense any discomfort!

Terms of Service

These are the general Terms of Service. To read the entire terms of service, click the link bellow.

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